Shared Services Unit (SSU)

The Shared Services Unit (SSU) was established within P&D Department, Government of Sindh vide P&D Department’s Notification dated 14th April 2020 to provide one window high quality cross-functional support to foreign funding agencies start with World Bank and respective implementing departments/agencies to conceive and conceptualization of new development program/projects.

The main objectives for establishment of SSU include:

To carryout spade work for implementation of projects in pipeline and handover to implementation agencies at start of project.

Establishment of Shared Services Unit (SSU)

  • Increased readiness of foreign funded projects.
  • Increased functionality of targeted projects
  • Improvement of the by financing/donor agency rating of at least 40% of the project
  • Swift contract procurement and management
  • Qualitative execution of project works/activities.
  • Facilitation for removal of bottlenecks/issues being faced during the planning, appraising and execution of project works/activities.
  • Timely preparation of formal Project documents i.e. Concept Clearance Paper, PC-I, Procurement Plan, Loan/Project Agreements etc.
  • Facilitation for obtaining approval for prepared covenants in context with foreign funded projects.
  • Help in creating nexus among relevant Government departments.