The Office of Directorate of Sindh Water Sector & Barrages Improvement is functional under the administrative control of Planning & Development Department, Government of Sindh for providing management support, guidance, effective monitoring mechanism and coordination among the multiple implementing agencies involved in execution of selected donor’s financed development projects especially in irrigation and agriculture sectors.
This office is remained become second home for financing agencies and the respective implementing department/agencies and hosting with proper professional care for providing important connectivity for readiness and conceptualization of new development program/projects for future investment.
It is confined with two key functional aspects: (i) implementation support to selected donors funded ongoing projects in water & agriculture sectors become Project Coordination & Monitoring Unit (PCMU) and (ii) planning and preparation support/services become Shared Services Unit (SSU) for specific projects/departments with special focus on compliance of fiduciary (covering support on procurement, financial management) and environmental and social safeguards compliance, pre-requisite of future donors funding investment.

The Office of Directorate of Sindh Water Sector & Barrages Improvement is functional under the administrative control of Planning & Development Department, Government of Sindh for providing management support, guidance, effective monitoring mechanism and coordination among the multiple implementing agencies involved in execution of selected donor’s financed development projects especially in irrigation and agriculture sectors.
This office is remained become second home for financing agencies and the respective implementing department/agencies and hosting with proper professional care for providing important connectivity for readiness and conceptualization of new development program/projects for future investment.
It is confined with two key functional aspects: (i) implementation support to selected donors funded ongoing projects in water & agriculture sectors become Project Coordination & Monitoring Unit (PCMU) and (ii) planning and preparation support/services become Shared Services Unit (SSU) for specific projects/departments with special focus on compliance of fiduciary (covering support on procurement, financial management) and environmental and social safeguards compliance, pre-requisite of future donors funding investment.

The Office of Directorate of Sindh Water Sector & Barrages Improvement is functional under the administrative control of Planning & Development Department, Government of Sindh for providing management support, guidance, effective monitoring mechanism and coordination among the multiple implementing agencies involved in execution of selected donor’s financed development projects especially in irrigation and agriculture sectors.
This office is remained become second home for financing agencies and the respective implementing department/agencies and hosting with proper professional care for providing important connectivity for readiness and conceptualization of new development program/projects for future investment.
It is confined with two key functional aspects: (i) implementation support to selected donors funded ongoing projects in water & agriculture sectors become Project Coordination & Monitoring Unit (PCMU) and (ii) planning and preparation support/services become Shared Services Unit (SSU) for specific projects/departments with special focus on compliance of fiduciary (covering support on procurement, financial management) and environmental and social safeguards compliance, pre-requisite of future donors funding investment.

Presently, this office is dealing with following foreign funded ongoing projects become as Project Coordination & Monitoring Unit:
This Directorate is performing the functions of Shared Services Unit (SSU) by providing a range of services support to various foreign funded specially World Bank financed development projects in Sindh. In this regard, during the year 2023-24, support has been provided to following projects with special focus on procurement, environmental and social safeguards compliance which are pre-requisite of donors funding for conceptualisation of future investment projects:
In order to coordinate the implantation of first ever Sindh Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policy (RRP) approved and notified in June 2023, a Desk has been in established in Directorate in August 2023 for pursuance of policy implementation actions.