Sindh Barrages Improvement Project
The SBIP was approved in June 19, 2015. With the original credit of US$188 million equivalent. It became effective on November 5, 2015. The original project and the approved additional financing together will support the rehabilitation and modernization of Sukkur and Guddu Barrages. Further, it will support coordinated management of the three barrages (Guddu, Sukkur, and Kotri), and Strengthen the Sindh Irrigation Department’s capacity to operate and manage the barrages. The project reflects the importance of the Indus River to Sindh’s economy. More than 90 percent of Sindh’s agricultural production depends on irrigation from the Indus River, which is the only reliable and substantial source of water for the province. Without irrigation, agricultural production in most areas in the province will not be possible, because of the arid to semi-arid climate and low and variable rainfall. To manage water flow into the main canals, three barrages (in order from upstream to downstream),
Component A
Rehabilitation of Guddu and Sukkur Barrages
This component would support the rehabilitation of Sukkur Barrage as well as Guddu Barrage. Therefore, this component will have two sub-components: Component A-1: Rehabilitation of Guddu Barrage (US$168.0 million base cost), and Component A-2: Rehabilitation of Sukkur Barrage (US$134.9 million base cost). Works pertaining to Sukkur Barrage will include structural repairs, dredging, modernization of electromechanical works, and de-silting of the critical portions of the three right bank canals. The component will also support implementation of environment and social safeguards.
Component B
Improved Barrage Operation
This component will support improved coordination among the three barrages in terms of monitoring and management. In particular, it will (a) refine the O&M and emergency preparedness plans for the Guddu and Sukkur Barrages, in coordination with Kotri Barrage; (b) support the Barrage Monitoring Unit (BMU) in developing an integrated system of measurement and monitoring of water extraction among the 14 main canals supported by the three barrages; (c) develop an O&M plan and an emergency preparedness plan for Kotri Barrage; and (d) provide critical equipment and logistics facilities for the three barrages.
Component c
Technical Studies
This component will help deepen GoSindh’s technical understanding of barrages and prepare for Phase 2. In particular, it will support (a) a preparation study for Phase 2 river training works, including (i) a study on climate change impacts, to assess the likelihood of a large flood and potential impacts on the barrages in determining the optimal design flood passage capacity and identifying several options considering social, environmental and economic aspects; (ii) a detailed hydraulics model study to determine the optimal design for the riverbank training and the need to raise the height of the bund wall, which would lead to the formulation of the follow-up works; and (iii) a feasibility study, environmental and social impacts assessment, and detailed design to prepare for Phase 2; (b) a safety assessment for Kotri Barrage, to include an inventory assessment; the identification of critical needs for repairs, rehabilitation, and upgrading; and the development of an O&M plan; and (c) the development of sediment transport monitoring and modeling, which will be the basis for improving barrage operations.
Component D
River Basin Water Resources and Riverine Management
This component will comprise activities supporting (a) dolphin management and conservation, (b) community fisheries co-management, (c) river bank rehabilitation, (d) sustainable agriculture, (e) technical studies (e.g., design for dolphin passage gates), (f) education and awareness-raising, and (g) water quality and pollutant studies. This component will be implemented in collaborations with the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), Forestry and Wildlife Department, Agriculture Department, and Fishery Department.
Component E
Project Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation
This component will support the incremental operating costs for maintaining the PMO and PCMU throughout the extended project implementation period, including technical assistance to guide the procurement activities and monitor the civil works progress; training; monitoring and evaluation of the project’s results framework and overall project impacts, fiduciary and safeguard compliances; and annual external audit
Role of PCMU
The PCMU shall provide coordination between the PMO, Project Steering Committee and Panel of Experts. The PCMU shall also provide oversight of procurement and contract management and be overall responsible for carrying out project monitoring and evaluation studies. PCMU shall engage an independent Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant to assist them in this regard. The Monitoring and Evaluation Consultants will provide PCMU support to evaluate the Project’s impact, including the implementation and monitoring of the Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan and Social Management Framework.