Component 1

Water Resources Management PCMU

Sindh Water Policy prepared and approved by the Government of Sindh on 22nd July, 2023 and inaugurated on 3rd. August, 2023 which was formally notified by Irrigation Department on 16th. August 2023.

Follow-up actions for policy implementation were initiated; Sindh Water Council and Implementation Committee were notified. Printed copies of the policy documents were also circulated to concerned offices and placed on website of Irrigation Department, SIDA and PCMU. Translation of Policy Document in local languages has almost completed.

Team of SWAT Project partners including senior officials from Irrigation, Agriculture, P&D Department, SIDA and PCMU visited Thailand on 25th. February to 3rd. March 2024 to obtain first-hand knowledge on how Thailand manages its Hydro-Agro Infomatics system in the country.

PCMU in collaboration with US-Pak Water Centre, MUET Jamshoro and International partner (M/S, CEIGS Bangladesh) organized an introductory consultative HAI Program launch workshop held on May, 02, 2024 in Karachi participated by all project partners, government officials, World Bank team, experts as well as farmers ‘representatives etc.

Accordingly, negotiation process is underway for contracting US-PAK Water Centre, MUET Jamshoro and International partner (M/S, CEIGS Bangladesh) for designing of Hydero-Agro Infomatics (HIA) program activities under Phase-I during month.

In compliance to decision of 3rd. meeting of SWAT-PSC detailed consultative meetings with Secretary Irrigation held on 9-10 June, 2024. Accordingly services of two water law experts have been hired being part of drafting team for formulation of new water law by December 2025. An introductory meeting of both law experts with Secretary Irrigation was held on July 12, 2024 and agreed that the concept paper with road map of actions required will be submitted by the experts during the month.

Component 2

Water Service Delivery – SIDA

M/S. ACE JV, M/S NESPAK has been appointed as PICs for construction supervision of Akram Wah works. Consultants are on board and completed design review report of Akram Wah works and submitted and presented in 3rd. meeting of PSC meeting held on 4/6/2024. According to PSC decision, detailed justified proposal on lining option covering all aspects prepared by PIC shared with World Bank and discussed virtually held on 27/07/2024 and based on the comments, the revised report will be shared with Bank by mid-August, 2024.

Process action on prequalification of Akram Wah works contract will be initiated as soon as design review proposal of lining option as per design review report is finalized and agreed by the World Bank.

M/S. ACE JV, M/S Techno Consultant appointed on 14/02/2024 as SISC for FOs modernization works. The Consultants are on board and conducted initial consultative meetings with SIDA and SWBs to start survey/identification of tasks of FOs modernization works.

Team of Irrigation officials visited California (ITRC) in mid-July 2023 to learn irrigation modernization process which is a core element of SWAT Project.

Follow-up model demonstration of modernization process for irrigation engineers and farmers has been started and seven training sessions have been completed.

REOI for feasibility study for right bank three canals published in newspapers on 13/02/2024. In response, 18 proposals received by SIDA. First draft evaluation report shared with World Bank on 06/06/2024 and has been revised in light of World Bank comments by SIDA and submitted to World Bank on 25/07/2024.

Rs. 375.4 million paid to 1210 Project Affected Peoples (APAs) out of total 1246 PAPs as per approved RAP/CAP of Akram Wah, verification process is under way for payment to remaining PAPs. As per Bank requirement, social mobilization partner (SRSO) has been contracted and mobilized in field.

SIDA has initiated selection process for appointment of vacant key staff from market including General managers (Operation & Transition) and Social Development Specialist as per advertisement published in newspapers in early June 2024.

Component 3

Agricultural Subsidies & Investments – ADU

Full time market based Project Director, ADU has been appointed in July 23, 2024 and deployment of almost all key staff for ADU has already been completed and they are on board.

As per approved ToRs, the selection process has been started for hiring of five individual consultants (ICs) in place of procurement of firm as Project Implementation Consultants as agreed with World Bank, the selection of one IC i.e. Project Management Expert completed and remaining would be completed by mid-September 2024.

Based on audit report, World Bank vide letter dated 31/5/2024 declared an amount of Rs. 193.3 million ineligible expenditure from IDA credit incurred by ADU. Finance department has been requested for seeking advice to refund the required amount to World Bank.

Project Coordination Committee has been notified by Agriculture Department consisting heads of respective wings of Agriculture Department based on recommendations of Bank.

ADU started use of artificial intelligence for diagnosis of physical-chemical properties of soil at ARC Tando Jam.

Process to implement Climate Smart Agriculture activity has been initiated with collaboration of Agriculture Research Wing, including development of Climate Business Field Schools; training materials developed by FAO under CSA tailored; designed extension and research protocol to facilitate the farmers in CSA process etc.

Joint field visit conducted to observe the operational mechanisms of implementing Agriculture Marketing Network System. TORs prepared and shared with Bank to hire (IT) firm to develop a web and mobile application-based integrated Agriculture Marketing Information System.

A summary for cabinet for approval on the new Agriculture Research and Extension policy is being revised based on comments of World Bank for further process of action.

ADU supported by team of European Space Agency & University of Louvain conducted crop monitoring & reporting activity on pilot basis in four districts. Similar exercise will be conducted during Kharif season to cover both cropping seasons.

Component 4

Coordination & Monitoring Support – PCMU

Market based Project Coordinator, PCMU along with some key staff / experts including FMS, M&ES, E&SS & Resettlement Specialist appointed based on the selection criteria agreed by the World Bank and are on board.

Based on NOL from World Bank, Letter for award issued to selected firm M/s. Ginger Sofreco as Project Management Consultants (PMC) for signing of contract during the month.

PCMU with support of FAO-UN organized two days Strategic Planning Workshop with Project Partners held on 11-12 January, 2024 for identifying achievements and strategic planning activities for year 2024;

Project Annual Progress Report-2023 prepared by PCMU as per project requirement approved by World Bank and has been formally circulated to all project partners on June 7, 2024.

Organized three meetings of Project Steering Committee (PSC) headed by Chairman P&D Board. The last meeting was held on June 4, 2024 under the Chairmanship of Chairman P&D Board;

Organized five meetings of Project Technical Committee (TC) headed by Project Coordinator, PCMU. The last meeting was held on May 10, 2024.

Organized five meetings of HAI Committee headed by PC, PCMU. The last meeting was held on July 10, 2024.

Prepared Project Annual Work Plan for next FY 2024-25 with financial forecast of US$ 38.29 M equivalents to Rs 10,684 M approved by 3rd PSC meeting.

Arranged training course for officials of the project partners on Law Water & Climate Change organized by Panjwani-Hisaar Water Institute NED held on 9-13 June 2024.

As per directives of Chairman P&D Board, PCMU organized Primavera Training Program at PIM, Karachi on 30-31 May, 2024 participated by 16 Officials of SIDA, ADU, SBIP, P&DD, Irrigation Department and PCMU.

PCMU in collaboration with World Bank organized five days’ series of consultative trainings workshop on Sindh R&R Policy held on 13-17 May 2024 at Karachi participated by large number of officials from various government departments/ offices. The Secretary, Irrigation, Agriculture, P&D Departments and Commissioner Karachi chaired the sessions.

Team of SWAT Project including Project Coordinator, Project Directors, along-with Environment & Social Teams of three PIUs participated in two days’ environment & social workshop organized by World Bank on 23-24 May, 2024 at Islamabad.

Arranged meeting of World Bank Social Safeguard team with Project Directors and E&S Team of PIUs SWAT Project held at PCMU Karachi on July 23, 2024.

Involved in selection process of hiring of individual consultants by ADU as well as virtual discussions held between SIDA and World Bank on justification of design review of Akram Wah.

PCMU coordinated series of meetings and World Bank Missions as well as various government forums followed by fortnightly project management meetings held virtually.

Component 5

Flood Emergency Response Component FERC

Total 336,629 farmers registered across Sindh affected 2022 flood. Total 298,966 farmers having landholding upto 25 acres verified and approved.

Cash compensation subsidy of Rs. 7.165 billion has been transferred to 214,487 small wheat farmers (12.5 to 25 acres) @ 5000 per acre under Phase-I & II through BISP.

Cash compensation subsidy with lump-sum amount of Rs. 60,000 per farmer under Phase-III started through HBL in accordance with approval of Sindh Cabinet. A total of 168,000 farmers having landholding upto 12.5 acres verified and payment of Rs. 9.593 billion has been transferred to 159,879 farmers till July, 2024.

As agreed with Bank Mission May 2024, the deadline for completing compensation cash subsidy program is 31st August, 2024. However, Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for, TPV and IE, Farmers survey will continue till December 31st, 2024.

Detailed budget estimates against the full utilization of FERC IDA Credit will be shared by ADU with Bank as soon.

Communication/ media plan prepared and approved by World Bank; the campaign will start as soon as the revalidation of funds has been completed by government.

ADU hired services of IT firm in July 2024 to carry out the Third Party Validation of the FERC component using interactive voice Response System and started the process.

TORs for the Farmers survey and study to assess the impact of the FERC cash subsidy program are under revision incorporating the World Bank’s observations and will be shared soon.

ADU has initiated process for developing Benazir Hari Card registration mechanism along with establishment of robust MIS for future use with support from SWAT project.

ADU has initiated process for developing Benazir Hari Card registration mechanism along with establishment of robust MIS for future use with support from SWAT project. First one-day orientation and consultation workshop on Farmers Registration for Sindh Hari Card was organized on 04 July, 2024.