Role of Food & Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) in Sindh Barrages Improvement Project (SBIP) and Sindh Water & Agriculture Transformation Project (SWAT) under Technical Assistance (TA) Contract with PCMU, P&D Department, GoSindh.
FAO has a long history of partnership with GoSindh. It all started with compilation of Sindh Water Vision in 2003, and further diagnostic studies of three main canals, Ghotki Feeder, Nara and Phuleli through Mapping Systems for Services in Canal Operation Technique – Rapid Appraisal Procedure (MASCOTTE-RAP). These studies further translated into a mega project titled “Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project (SWSIP)”. The FAO team was further entrusted with the role of Project Management Consultants / Procurement Agent (PMC/A) for execution of WSIP. This intervention proved to be a success story for implementation of a mega project like WSIP. The role of FAO was further replicated in Sindh Agriculture Growth Project (SAGP) and SBIP.
The present TA Contract of FAO with PCMU is about providing project management support and specialized implementation support for SWAT Projects. The contract time period is as follows:
The overall objective of this Technical Assistance (TA) contract is to support project partners for smooth implementation of project activities as per following ToRs.
Provision of Technical support in Procurement and Contract Management to PCMU for the projects until the Sind Water and Agriculture Transformation (SWAT) Project Management Consultants (PMCs) are mobilized.
Specialized Technical Assistance provided for Water Policy and related Legislative Reform Agenda specifically formulation of Strategic Water Plan, Implementation of Institutional Reforms, formulation of New Water law and Study for Water Pricing Reforms
Specialized Technical Assistance provided for planning and commissioning of HAI Program, with linkages and lessons learnt from GCF Project of FAO.
The design reports of Canal Modernization Stuctures reviewed and the operation of same monitored and and advised. The Right Bank Canal Studies reviwed and inputs provided
Participated in FO Subproject develeopment planning (water side) and technical inputs provided.
Assist project partners to conduct training program for Canal Modernization
Participate in FO Subproject develeopment planning (agriculture side) and technical inputs provided.
Technical Assistance provided for Climate Smart / Resilent Agriculture Interventions
Support Provided for Upgradtion of Agriculture Statistics / Crop Reporting Services
Support Provided for Agriculture Information Technology & Market Price Monitoring
Project Management Support provided to PCMU
Technical Assistance provided to PCMU for MEAL approach and its adaptation
World Bank Missions arranged, conferences, workshops, and exposure visits.
Synergies between different projects of FAO and SWAT.
TA Support for M&E Impcat Evaluation for FERC Component
Project Management and Technical Assistance Support Provided to SBIP project.